Wednesday 5 June 2013

snapshots from my galaxy note 2

these are some snapshots of nature frm my note 2... commentz,pls hehe


  1. Hello Lisz - The photos of the flowers are lovely. You had enough wonderful photos in this collection to have made 4 or 5 very nice blog posts with.
    Do you happen to know the names of these beautiful blossoms ?

    I wanted to follow you but there was no followers button or gadget on your blog. There was just an empty space beneath where it says "followers". Have you enabled a blogspot follwers gadget? I'll check back at a later date and see if the followers gadget is available for me to follow you. :)

    By the way I love the photo that you use as the background in your blog - it is a pretty place and looks very relaxing.

    1. Aww thanks dearie.. some of the flowers i dont know the name..hehe but i will research it out soon,
      been so busy that i have badly neglected my blog..
      oh.. i will check on with the follow button thanks for informing me about thank..
      thanks so much for the compliment :)

  2. hi! i absolutely love your blog, its beautifully written ad very engaging. i love the layout.

    it would mean a lot if would check out my blog!
    and would you like to follow each other? :)

    1. Thanks so much Kate.. for the compliment.. i tried to go to your blog but it says the blog does not exist.. maybe u could send me the whole link?:)
