Thursday 14 February 2013

I am so very ashamed to say that i have badly neglected my blog... Been sooo super duper busy... Soo sorry... for more updates on my crafts and creation please like my page at FB

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisz - Did you know that when you type up a post in blogger you can add a live URL link that will take people to whatever site you'd like them to see?
    So you could have typed "Please Like My Facebook Page" then go to Add A Link and put the URL into the box there. Then that line would become a live link back to your facebook page where people could then click to Like your page. People are more inclined to click on a link than to copy and paste into their browser.

    I also noticed that you have the security "Captcha" set for your blog - many people will not bother to leave a comment if they have to try to read those silly coded words and numbers. I do not use one on my blog but have it set so that all comments come to my email address so that I can moderate the comments. After all my blog is a family blog and I would not want to publish an obscene comment and I never publish spam.

    Just offering a little bit of advice as your blog has a lot of nice things about it and could be very popular. :)
