Wednesday 29 August 2012

Felt~ pouch

Seriously when i am browsing on the internet i see so many craft ideas..especially for i have some felt stock around n about lols..
the problem is that when i get home and stare at the felt no idea pop up..ugh..
i seriously have some craft block syndrome..
or i might be getting old..
oh well i am deviating ..back to the topic of pouches...and felts...lols
i found a super easy and nice blog tutorial here:

happy trying ~ i am going to try this :)


  1. Thats such a cute idea! thank you for sharing it! i might have to try that myself too! :)

    love K

    1. hi Katrine,
      glad that u found it useful~ if u do make it do send me a link .. i would love to see it :)
