Friday 27 January 2012

my hp bling bling casing

just to show u guys the samsung galaxy W bling bling casing i made today :p

Thursday 26 January 2012

mini journal..

hi guys, i m back... i was kinda busy these few days.
well this morning i was kinda bored and i thought i would make a simple journal book for my fren..
so here's it.. its kinda simple..
well all u need is :-

some wrapping paper
a glue stick, a cutter, a scissor, some colour pens, marker and a ruler
a cutting borard
some sticker to decorate, a post it note and some label sticker for the page

and a note pad/book, preferably a blank one

AND tis is how my simple journal looks:)
i made a photo frame to be attached to the journal
the link to make the photo frame:
oops sorry bout that, its upside down =.=
i was too lazy to rotate it before i uploaded it..

ok that's bout it..just wanted to share.. lol :)

Tuesday 17 January 2012

I am Miss Kay =]: DIY Recycled Plastic Bottle Ring

 I was browsing thru I am Miss Kay's blog and came across her project on plastic bottle ring. the link is below.^^

I am Miss Kay =]: DIY Recycled Plastic Bottle Ring

So, well i thought Oh that sounds interesting ...but at that time i didnt have any water bottle to use but i have like a stack of black plastic binding combs... and i was thinking hmmm mayb i can use this as my ring base..

 there! that's how it look after u cut it.. it looks like a ring base..

actually it already looks like a ring ..dont u think so? lol
well dependingon ur finger size .. if u have larger finger size u'll need a bigger ring comb
 i decorated mine with ribbons and pearls...basically i just wound a pink n white ribbon on it and hot glue d ends.
then i stuck some pearls to the ring..

 and voila.. here is the finishing product.. lol.. its not perfect.. bt who cares as long as its cute.. and most importantly... i used the stuff i had lying around in d house.. Cheap cute and you can custom make any design n pattern you want..

What u'll need to make this ring:-
a plastic binding comb (for the ring base)
a hot glue gun & some glue sticks
some ribbons
some trinket u would want to use to decorate your rings (in my case i used pearls)
a scissor
and most important your creative mind ;)

and now ...Enjoy making ur rings.. please drop me a vid or photo if u were moved to make this DIY rings.. lol..and drop me a link if u have done an interesting DIY project :)

My Favourite Chocolate Bar

Yummy!! Yummy!! this is my favourite brand of chocolate bar... its so yumilicious..but its kinda expensive in my country as it is an imported brand.. lol... TWIXXXX...

I made a box for my lipstick~ kawaii

Lol.. the other day.. i think it was sunday.. (hmm or was it?) i came across this cute wrapping paper when i was shopping at the Super Save Shop nearby my house.. and i was thinking OMG its so kawaii.. i had to buy i bought two sheets of this white pink polka dots wrapping paper at one ringgit per piece...

The minute i came back i starting wrapping a box for my lipstick.. i added some ribbons and some bling bling stones.. the cute anna sui butterfly was part of my hairclip that broke.. i thought it match well with the wrapping

.. so here is the finishing product~ lol..

My nails ==

LoL i did my nails yesterday..been a long time since i painted my nails lol..getting rusty already.. muahaha..anyway this was the finish effect of my nails.. lol

Monday 16 January 2012

WelCome To My Bloggy

Hello everyone!! Welcome to my bloggy~~ i have just created it today.. haha finally got to create my bloggy... i had a bloggy some time ago but was too busy to keep up with it and finally i forgot all about it.. plus i forgot my user ID n password :( ...

So nw i am having some extra time on hand so i thought i'll start creating my bloggy...hopefully i have time to update it lol... my new motto for the year 2012...

All the best and Cheerios...