Tuesday 18 March 2014

Day 18 March Photo A Day Challenge ~ Five Years Ago

day 18 FIVE YEARS AGO~ well 5yrs ago i had an interview for a govt job , if i may say i got d job but i resigned after 3yrs. politics dont go too well with me. for those who wanna judge.. i suggest keep ur comments to urself eh n peace will reign March a day challenge @fatmumslim #FMSphotoaday #fatmumslim #marchchallenge #marchphotochallenge2013

Monday 17 March 2014

DoodLing~ ^_^

I did some doodling again.. Its a way for me to release stress.. HeHe.. So here goes~ Enjoy !! This a collate doodling which i added elements of vintage stickers as the border.. Its one of my first attempt. hehe. So what do you think of it? HEHE.. Feel free for comments :D
Photos belows are some of the doodling i have done... :D
Thanks for visiting Adios Amigas!!

March Photo A Day Challenge Day 1-17

I am in the middle of the March Photo A Day Challenge.. Thought I would like to share the photos i took from Day 1 to 17. And if I am not lazy, I will upload the following photos everyday HEHE :D First Of All the March A Day Challenge
day 1~ YELLOW (some yellow yummylicious watermelon) March a day challenge @fatmumslim #FMSphotoaday #fatmumslim #marchchallenge #marchphotochallenge2013
day 2~ SOMETHING BORROWED (borrowed office pendrive on friday to copy some movie b'cos i had forgotten to bring my ext hd) #march a day challenge @fatmumslim #FMSphotoaday #fatmumslim #marchchallenge #marchphotochallenge2013
day 3 MY NAME IS elizabeth (heheehe... yeah the Q of England :-P) March a day challenge @fatmumslim #FMSphotoaday #fatmumslim #marchchallenge #marchphotochallenge2013
day 4 ON MY MIND ~ u r on my mind haha.. March a day challenge @fatmumslim #FMSphotoaday #fatmumslim #marchchallenge #marchphotochallenge2013
day 5 SOMETHING BEGINING WITH I ~of coz its instagram! one of my fav apps #instagram march a day challenge @fatmumslim #FMSphotoaday #fatmumslim #marchchallenge #marchphotochallenge2013
day 6 CHAIR~ it might not be the prettiest or d most comfortable chair but this is d chair that i sit on for 8 hours everyday at work March a day challenge @fatmumslim #FMSphotoaday #fatmumslim #marchchallenge #marchphotochallenge2013 #office
day 7 FLY~ i do wish i can fly like a bird sometimes March a day challenge @fatmumslim #FMSphotoaday #fatmumslim #marchchallenge #marchphotochallenge2013
day 8 IN THE CORNER of my rooms there is a spot for all my Eiffel Tower collection! March a day challenge @fatmumslim #FMSphotoaday #fatmumslim #marchchallenge #marchphotochallenge2013 #eiffeltower #obsession #collection #paris #hobbies
day 9 10AM~ lols this is by far d crappiest photo of d day pic hahaha.. welll was busy n it was 1030 when i remembered hshaha... March a day challenge @fatmumslim #FMSphotoaday #fatmumslim #marchchallenge #marchphotochallenge2013 #lazy #crappy #rofl
day 10 FAR AWAY (for now a good holiday and a relaxing mind is smtg far away from me) March a day challenge @fatmumslim #FMSphotoaday #fatmumslim #marchchallenge #marchphotochallenge2013 #serenity
day 11 SOMETHING GOOD ~ these are something good in my life ~ i have God in my life, i am still capable of smiling from my heart, I still have faith in God eventhough i went thru lots of hardship and I am still capable of LOVE, looking back my life isnt that bad eh? march a day challenge @fatmumslim #FMSphotoaday #fatmumslim #marchchallenge #marchphotochallenge2013 #mylife
day 12 PARTIAL ~ haha i am partial human partial alien.. hence my wackoness, craziness n silliness ~ well i am me... March a day challenge @fatmumslim #FMSphotoaday #fatmumslim #marchchallenge #marchphotochallenge2013 #craziness #silliness #IAmMe #ThisIsWhoIAm #LikeItOrHateIt #instagram
day 13 FRESH ~Freshly boiled brocoli, carrots & fish together with kimchi for breaky & lunch.. yummy healthiness March a day challenge @fatmumslim #FMSphotoaday #fatmumslim #marchchallenge #marchphotochallenge2013 #healthiness #lightmrals
day 14 CARE~ no need ellaboration, the quote said it all. March a day challenge @fatmumslim #FMSphotoaday #fatmumslim #marchchallenge #marchphotochallenge2013 #quotes #motivationalquotes #instaphotooftheday #positive
day 15 EVENING ~ the sky today... March a day challenge @fatmumslim #FMSphotoaday #fatmumslim #marchchallenge #marchphotochallenge2013
day 16 BEAUTIFULLY ORDINARY ~ this flower is ordinary but once it bloom its beautiful march a day challenge @fatmumslim #FMSphotoaday #fatmumslim #marchchallenge #marchphotochallenge2013 #flower #bloom
day 17 TODAY'S WEATHER ~today weather is dull.. raining... March a day challenge @fatmumslim #FMSphotoaday #fatmumslim #marchchallenge #marchphotochallenge2013
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oh Yeah... those are the photos for the challenge! Hope you Enjoyed it. Stay tune for the rest of the month.. And why not join me in the challenge?! Adios Amigas!

Laziness Prevails..

Oh dear... as usual i am really neglecting my blog. I do wonder when will I really have the time to do blogging. I guess I am more to a photo blogger eh.. I actively "blog" in Instagram though.. Haha... Well if anyone of you want to see my photo blogging you can add me at my Instagram lisz82 I do PROMISE again to really do blogging more often.. As it is I really need maybe 72 hours a-day. Have a nice day today fellow bloggers... It's a lazy and wet day today.. and... I am feeling the blues.. I AM ON LAZY MODE.. "snoring" "snoozing" haha Cheers!!