Tuesday 15 October 2013

cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2

this is an awesomely funny and nice movie!!! love love it.. the food animals were sooo cute! animations were super nice.. love the cute  strawberry named barry & love d cute marshmellows!thumbs up! highly recommended!!! watched it @ the spring mbo hehe

Thursday 10 October 2013

Custom made orders

this is a gorgeous (if i may say so) set of vintage bronze earrings & matching bracelet set. my friend wanted bronze designs and with black flowers so i came up with this design.. what do you think of it? comments please hehe.. 

polymer clay minatures

haha fancy some vegetables and mushrooms? i made this tiny meeny vegetables..:p what do you think of it? hehe.. comments

NEglecting my bloggy

I am seriously a bag blogger... i have been neglecting my blog!! Poor bloggy... i am soooooooooo sorry.. i promise i will be blogging frequently now.. Been so busy with work and all @.@ I am soo sorry to those who follow me on my blog! Thousand Apologies (Mind Your Language Mode) HaHa
Follow me on instagram.. i update it daily hehe.. i am in the middle of the October photo-a-day challenge.. do try it! its not too late! i am trying this one for OCTOBER http://fatmumslim.com.au/cameras-at-the-ready-october-photo-a-day-challenge/ hehe :D okies.. i go to go now.. hehe ..ssshhh... i took 5mins off to write this post... :P CHEERIOS! & STAY HAPPY~